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Wildlife Management

Article code PLCL HDD007RB-1
in stock
Order this decoy single or per 10 pieces. Read more
Decoy hooded crow
Order this decoy single or per 10 pieces.
Article code PLCL HDD007R
in stock
Order this decoy single, per 5, 10 or 36 pieces. Read more
Decoy full crow
Order this decoy single, per 5, 10 or 36 pieces.
Article code 0442
in stock
Order liquid bait spray on our website or come to the store in Ingber (South Limburg NL) Read more
Liquid Bait Spray Carrion Scent
Order liquid bait spray on our website or come to the store in Ingber (South Limburg NL)
Article code 0030879
in stock
Order the lick via the webshop or visit our store in Ingber (South Limburg NL) Read more
Salt lick wheat
Order the lick via the webshop or visit our store in Ingber (South Limburg NL)
Article code 0695
in stock
Order the special bait lick salt on our website or drop by the shop in Ingber (South Limburg NL). Read more
Special bait lick salt with corn kernel
Order the special bait lick salt on our website or drop by the shop in Ingber (South Limburg NL).
Article code PLCL WBE
out of stock
This wobbler can be ordered single or per 10 pieces. Read more
Wobbler PE for stacking pigeon/crow
This wobbler can be ordered single or per 10 pieces.
Article code 33800-18
in stock
Plant-based bioactive attractant for wild boar and red deer for use on painting trees Read more
Eco Tar 1L
Plant-based bioactive attractant for wild boar and red deer for use on painting trees
Article code 71507
in stock
Wild boar loves fish - especially smoked fish! Long-lasting effect. Based on smoked fish concentrate with natural flavorings. Depot effect. No synthetic fragrances. Contents: 500 ml Read more
Sausational 500ml
Wild boar loves fish - especially smoked fish! Long-lasting effect. Based on smoked fish concentrate with natural flavorings. Depot effect. No synthetic fragrances. Contents: 500 ml
Article code PLBO PS214
out of stock
Article code FUD-006
out of stock
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6. Read more
FUD Nijlgans
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6.
Article code FUD-002
out of stock
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6. Read more
FUD Kraai
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6.
Article code FUD-004
out of stock
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Read more
FUD Grauwegans
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen.
Article code FUD-009
out of stock
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6 . Read more
FUD Brandgans
De ideale opvouwbare lokker. Gemakkelijk mee te nemen, licht van gewicht en snel uit te vouwen. Per set van 6 .
Article code 510503
out of stock
Rabbit suit made of local cherry, integrated mouse whistle made of plastic Read more
Rabbit suit with mouse whistle
Rabbit suit made of local cherry, integrated mouse whistle made of plastic
Article code 71539000
in stock
Quality beech wood tar for use on Wallow and Malbaum Read more
No. 5 Pure beech tar
Quality beech wood tar for use on Wallow and Malbaum
Article code 590276
out of stock
Inhalt: 500 ml Zielsicher lockt das intensive Trüffelaroma, hergestellt auf der Basis naturidentischer Rohstoffe nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards, Schwarzwild an. Read more
Schwarzwildlockmittel mit Trüffel
Inhalt: 500 ml Zielsicher lockt das intensive Trüffelaroma, hergestellt auf der Basis naturidentischer Rohstoffe nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards, Schwarzwild an.
Article code 590203
in stock
Das naturreine und bewährte Anisöl lockt mit seinem unwiderstehlichen Aroma fast alle Wildarten über weiteEntfernungen zuverlässig an. Read more
Das naturreine und bewährte Anisöl lockt mit seinem unwiderstehlichen Aroma fast alle Wildarten über weiteEntfernungen zuverlässig an.
Article code 510522
out of stock
Der Locker eignet sich hervorragend für die Jungfuchsbejagung und im Herbst-Winter für die Bejagung vonAltfüchsen und Marder. Auch das Klagen eines Junghasen kann damit nachgeahmt werden. Read more
Universal Fuchsbeller
Der Locker eignet sich hervorragend für die Jungfuchsbejagung und im Herbst-Winter für die Bejagung vonAltfüchsen und Marder. Auch das Klagen eines Junghasen kann damit nachgeahmt werden.
Article code 6600
out of stock
Sau-Wohl ist ein gut haftendes Sauen-Lockmittel auf der Basis von naturidentischen Duftstoffen, Aromen, Vitaminen, Salzen und Pheromon-Analogika - mit großer Wirksamkeit und ausgedehnter Anwendungsbreite. Read more
Sau-Wohl Lockmittel - 1L
Sau-Wohl ist ein gut haftendes Sauen-Lockmittel auf der Basis von naturidentischen Duftstoffen, Aromen, Vitaminen, Salzen und Pheromon-Analogika - mit großer Wirksamkeit und ausgedehnter Anwendungsbreite.
Article code 6930
out of stock
Article code 8210
in stock
Dieser MA-Schaum ist ein neuartiger einkomponentiger Polyurethanschaum, der sich ideal als Depot für das Duftzaun-Konzentrat eignet. Er kann mit der Duftzaun-Pistole oder mit dem Adapter verarbeitet werden. Read more
Duftzaun 750ml
Dieser MA-Schaum ist ein neuartiger einkomponentiger Polyurethanschaum, der sich ideal als Depot für das Duftzaun-Konzentrat eignet. Er kann mit der Duftzaun-Pistole oder mit dem Adapter verarbeitet werden.
Article code PLCL HDD007RW-1
out of stock
This full body flocked crow can be ordered single or per three pieces and is suitable for damage control. Read more
Decoy bird invading full crow
This full body flocked crow can be ordered single or per three pieces and is suitable for damage control.
Article code P0402
out of stock
Sound repeller to keep wild boar, deer, hinds and other game away. It can be used outdoors, whatever the weather, and has a flexible programmer and a solid frame. Read more
Effaroucheur WildTrac 18M
Sound repeller to keep wild boar, deer, hinds and other game away. It can be used outdoors, whatever the weather, and has a flexible programmer and a solid frame.
Article code 510043
in stock
For transports in the area, e.g. Killed game, Kirrgut and much more, for attaching to the trailer hitch, quickly mounted or dismantled with the single-lever quick-release fastener Read more
Feed drum 2.0
For transports in the area, e.g. Killed game, Kirrgut and much more, for attaching to the trailer hitch, quickly mounted or dismantled with the single-lever quick-release fastener
Wildlife Management

Lures for hunting

During the hunt you can use various lures. Euregiohunt offers lures for wild boars, foxes, ducks, pheasant deer and much more game. In our webshop and in our hunting shop in Limburg you will find a wide range of AttraTec and Hagopur brands.

In addition to the lures, you can also contact us for lures, decoys, catch cages, automatic feeders, feeding barrels and various accessories.

Euregiohunt has a wide range of decoy whistles. For luring ducks, deer, foxes, martens and many other game. You will also find a wide range of decoy birds, crows, pigeons and geese.

Hunting lures can be purchased online

At hunting shop Euregiohunt you will find a wide range of lures for hunting. In a handy overview you can see which bait items are available. Once you have found what you are looking for, you can safely order and pay. Euregiohunt has a Trusted Shop quality mark.

We always try to deliver the products as quickly as possible, as we understand that you want to have the lures in your possession quickly. Do you urgently need bait items? Then let us know and we will try to help you as much as possible to be ready for the hunt as soon as possible.

Still unsure? It is possible to return a product within 14 days. Of course you can always contact us before placing an order. We are happy to help you find suitable lures for hunting!

Different types of lures

To make your hunt even more successful, we have an extensive selection of decoys. We have different types of decoy birds such as pigeons, crows, geese, ducks or magpies in our range. To support you during the hunt, we offer decoy instruments such as decoy whistles, but you can also contact us for electronic decoys . We have decoy whistles in all shapes and sizes and in various materials.

The use of a trap cage is another method used in hunting. Catch cages are available with multiple entrances and can be purchased in several sizes. You may also need the use of a feeding machine. A feeder can be set to your wishes. This way you can determine the amount of feed and you can set the distribution amount per day. If you have any questions about this, we are at your disposal.

A feeding barrel can be compared to an automatic feeder. Feeding barrels are usually used at a feeding place. The correct feed barrel has reinforced exit holes, is bite resistant and often has a retaining cord. In addition, the easy and quick filling of a feed barrel is an advantage.

Our store in Limburg

You are of course also very welcome in our hunting shop in Limburg. Here we can immediately answer your questions and you can carefully examine the products closely. This is how we help you to give you the best advice for the purchase of your lures. Of course it is possible to experience and discover everything yourself. We regularly organize demo days and by appointment you can also visit us individually for product demonstrations. Because we are hunters ourselves, we know better than anyone what the decoy items must meet.

Our hunting shop in Ingber in Limburg is centrally located in the heart of the Euregio, a top location for every hunter.